Monday, November 28, 2011

W Family at Provo Temple

Phew!  It's been too long since I've posted sessions!  Alas, here's a wonderful family to begin with!  I took pictures for their first sealing at the Mt. Timpanogas Temple to Aida and about a year later here we are again with her sweet baby brother that they adopted!

Such a beautiful family!

It was FREEZING, but the sky was wonderful!

Sorry about the watermark right in the middle, but the news story about the family whose picture was in a frame at Ikea has me shook!

Poor mom!  Miss Aida had different ideas about the day.  They didn't include photos.  Just keep moving and you'll get a shot!

Nevermind the drinking fountain next to the bench that had to be photoshopped.  Who puts a drinking fountain near a photo op at the temple?!

My camera wouldn't focus and I couldn't figure out why because Talmage isn't crawling yet.  He seemed to be still.  I came around the veiwfinder to see his little chin quivering in the cold. 

Didn't make a sound.  Just sat shivering!  Poor little man.  This was our last shot of the day.

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