Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Good Head on Her Shoulders

There's gonna be a fight if Amy's on the organ donor list!  Can you believe those eyes????

This woman (that's hard for me to say because I feel like we've "grown up" together and I don't feel like a woman),   has a great thing going.  I've known her for 10 years.  Incredibly motivated and in turn motivating, she's now dedicating her time (what's left following wifing and mothering 3 boys), to inspiring men, women, and teens to rise to their balanced best and understand their worth.  I'll let you see for yourself here

We did some headshots yesterday for her site, etc.  It was most definitely my pleasure.

1 comment:

Amy Walker said...

Ha ha! You are funny! I think I am an organ donor though. I agree about not feeling grown up! Thanks for all the compliments. You did an awesome job!