Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mitch and Taylor Engagements

This beautiful couple will be wed in June.  It was a tad chilly until we got to Utah Lake, where it was FREEZING!  Beauty often hurts. 

I LOVE this color of brick.  There are two buildings in Utah County that I frequent because it is so flattering to all skin tones.  It saves me in editing time and it just WORKS.  If it ain't broke...

We trucked down the road in Provo and came across a building with some vines covering its brick.  There was an awesome old steel staircase discarded behind this chain link, and the resistance piece?  This old truck that looks just like the one I traveled around in during the 90's while I showed horses.  Ahh, the memories.  Mitch had to hear all about them while Taylor changed.

One of the benefits of taking engagements in the unpredictable Spring weather is that your subjects have no problem keeping eachother warm.

Sadie had to get in on the action too.  She was posing every time I clicked the shutter.  She's quite a model.  Mae (my 3 year old), got to hang with her while we did the other shots and cried and cried when they were done and Sadie had to go.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I LOVE the black and white one in front of that old staircase. Such an adorable couple.